Thursday, September 6, 2012

General Knowledge- Physics (Wave)


A wave is a disturbance which propagates (transmits) energy from one place to the other without the transport of the matter.
Waves are broadly of two types
(i)                 Mechanical Wave
(ii)               Non-mechanical wave
Mechanical Wave: The waves which require material medium (solid, liquid, or gas) for their propagation (transmit) are called mechanical waves or elastic waves.
Mechanical wave are of two types
(i) Longitudinal wave: If the particles of the medium vibrate in the direction of propagation of wave, the wave is called longitudinal wave.
Waves on springs or sound waves in air are examples of longitudinal waves.
(ii)Transverse Wave: If the particle of the medium vibrates perpendicular to the direction of propagation of wave, the wave is called transverse wave.
            Waves on strings under tension, waves on the surface of water are examples of transverse waves.

Non-Mechanical wave or Electromagnetic wave: The waves which do not require medium for propagation i.e. which can propagate even through the vacuum are called non mechanical wave.
Light, heat are the examples of non-mechanical wave. In fact all the electromagnetic waves are non-mechanical.
► All the electromagnetic wave consists of photon.
► The wavelength range of electromagnetic wave is 10-14 to 104.
Properties of electromagnetic wave:
(i)                 They are neutral.
(ii)               They propagate as transverse wave.
(iii)             They propagate with the velocity of light.
(iv)             They contain energy and momentum.
(v)               Their concept was introduced by Maxwell.
Following waves are not electromagnetic.
(i)                 Cathode rays
(ii)               Canal rays
(iii)             α rays
(iv)             β rays
(v)               Sound wave
(vi)             Ultrasound wave

Some Important Electromagnetic Wave
Electromagnetic Waves
 (in meter)
Frequency range
Henery Becqueral
10-14 to 10-10
1020 to 1018
X- Rays
W. Rontgen
10-10to 10-8
1018 to 1016
Ultra-Voilet rays
10-8 to 10-7
1016 to 1014
Visible radiation
3.9 x 10-7to 7.8 x 10-7
1014 to 1012
Infra-red rays
7.8 x 10-7 to 7.8 x 10-3
1012 to 1010
Short radio waves or Hertz Hertzian waves
10-3 to 1
1010 to 108
Long Radio Waves
1 to 104
108 to 106

Note : Electromagnetic waves of wavelength range 10-3 m to 10-2 m are called microwaves.
            Phase of vibration: Phase of vibration of a vibrating particle at any instant is the physical quantity which expresses the position as well as direction of motion of the particle at that instant with respect to its equilibrium (mean) position.
            Amplitude: Amplitude is defined as the maximum displacement of the vibrating particle on either side from the equilibrium position.
            Wavelength: Wavelength is the distance between any two nearest  particle of the medium, vibrating in the same phase. It is denoted by the Greek letter Lembda (λ).
            In transverse wave distance between two consecutive crests or troughs and in longitudinal wave, distance between two consecutive compressions or rarefaction is equal to wavelength.
Relation between wavelength, frequency and velocity of wave
Velocity of wave = frequency x wavelength or, v = nλ.

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