Saturday, September 1, 2012

General Knowledge- Physics (Pressure)


Pressure:  Pressure is defined as force acting normally on unit area of the surface.
            Pressure (P) = F/A = Normal force on the surface/ Area of the surface

SI unit of pressure is N/m2 also called pascal (Pa). Pressure is a scalar quantity.

Atmospheric pressure: Atmospheric pressure is that pressure which is exerted by mercury column of 76 cm length at 0o C at 45o latitude at sea-level. It is equal to 76 cm column of mercury of cross-sectional area 1 cm2. Generally it is measured in bar.
            1 bar = 105 N/m2
Atmospheric pressure 1 atm = 1.01x105 N/m2 = 760 torr

► Atmospheric pressure decreases with altitude (Height from earth surface). This is why (i) it is difficult to cook on mountains (ii) The fountain pen of a passenger leaks in aeroplane at height.
► Atmospheric pressure is measured by barometer. With the help of barometer, weather forecast can be made.
► Sudden fall in barometer reading is indication of storm.
► Slow fall in barometer reading is indication of rain.
 Slow rise in barometer reading is the indication of clear weather.

Pressure in liquid: Force exerted on unit area of wall or base of the container by the molecules of liquid is the pressure of liquid.
            The pressure exerted by liquid at depth h below the surface of liquid is given as
P=hdg where d is the density of liquid.
► Regarding pressure the following points are worth nothing:
(i)                 In static liquid at same horizontal level, pressure is same at all points.
(ii)               Pressure at a point in a static liquid has same value in all direction.
(iii)             Pressure at a point in a liquid is proportional to the depth of the point from the free surface.
(iv)             Pressure at a point in a liquid is proportional to the density of the liquid.

Pascal law for pressure of liquid:
(i)                 If gravitational attraction is negligible, in equilibrium condition, pressure is same at all points in liquid.
(ii)               If an external pressure is applied in an exclosed fluid, it is transmitted undiminished to every direction.
► Hydraulic lift, Hydraulic press, Hydraulic break works on Pascal law.
Effect of pressure on Melting point and Boiling Point:
(i)                 The melting point of a substance which expands on fusion increases with the increases in pressure, for example – Wax.
(ii)               The melting point of a substance which contracts on fusion decreases with the increases in temperature, for example - ice.
(iii)             Boiling point of all substances increases with the increases in pressure.


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