Monday, September 3, 2012

General Knowledge- Physics (Surface Tension)

Surface Tension

Cohesive force: The force of attraction between the molecules of the same material is called cohesive force. Cohesive force is maximum in solids. Because of that solids have fixed shape and cohesive force is negligible in gases.

Adhesive Force: Force of attraction between the molecules of different substance is called adhesive force. Due to adhesive force anybody sticks to other.

Surface Tension: Surface tension is property of a liquid by virtue of which it has the tendency to have the area of its free surface minimum as if it ware under tension like a stretched elastic membrane.
            Surface tension of a liquid is measured by the normal force acting per unit length on either side of an imaginary line drawn on the free surface of liquid and tangential to the free surface.
            So, if a force F acts on an imaginary line of length l, then surface tension,
            T = F/l.
► Work done in increasing the surface area of a liquid by unity under isothermal condition is equal to surface tension of liquid. According to this definition, unit of surface tension is joule/meter2.
► Surface tension of liquid decreases with the increase of temperature and becomes zero at critical temperature.
Capillary tube: A tube having very narrow (fine) and uniform bore is called a capillary tube.
Capillarity: If a capillary tube is dipped in a liquid, liquid ascends or descends in the capillary tube. The phenomenon is called capillarity.
► The height by which liquid ascends or descends in capillary tube depends upon radius of the tube.
            The capillarity depends on the nature of liquid and solid both. The liquid which wets the wall of tube rises in tube and the liquid which does not wets the wall of the tube descends in the tube. For example, when a glass capillary tube is dipped in water, water rises in the tube and the shape of water meniscus in concave, similarly when a glass capillary tube is dipped in to mercury; mercury descends in the tube and shape of mercury meniscus in convex.

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